When they fill the front lines not the officers ranks, with congressman's and billinaires kids I'LL sign up and I am 52
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JoinedPosts by read good books
UN Votes to Punish North Korea for Nuclear Test
by purplesofa inhave you ever heard that korea is the king of the north?.
un votes to punish north korea for nuclear test (update2) .
Lightening exits woman's bottom
by misspeaches inread the article here... http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20548077-13762,00.html.
lightning exits woman's bottom.
a woman has suffered severe burning to her anus after being struck by lightning which hit her in the mouth and passed right through her body.. natasha timarovic, 27, was cleaning her teeth at home when lightning struck the building.
read good books
My first response would have been-no more prune juice.
Not again!!!!
by mouthy inthe watchtower printed a book "worship the only true god" in 2002. the front cover is a water scene of the ocean and dark mountains in background.
nothing extremely special.
guess what ?
read good books
Their continuing their love hate relationship with the U.N. eventually maybe friendship with the U.N. will become a 'matter of consiounce' like all the other doctrinal changes when it becomes desirable for the WTS in their own interest to change, like voting now, or standing for the national anthem, etc., etc.
Kingdom Melodies and Hidden Messages
by inbyathread inthere has been talk about wt imagery and the use of subtle hypnotism during meetings.. we had a co who very forcefully wanted the piano players axed and the canned music used for the singing.. has there been any studies done to find sub-harmonic messages hidden in the music?.
paranoia and conspiracy artists may now address.
read good books
Yeah, the same way they use to try and pacify dangerous prisoners at Alcatraz, the same food every day, a dull routine that never changes all meant to break the criminals spirit, reminds me of the songs and meetings of the JW's, no thinking for yourself allowed just follow the boring scripts provided. Yes I think there is mind control in every aspect of the Witnesses and now if these JW's zombies are allowed to vote man is our society ever in trouble.
Jehovahs Witness Joke
by BelieverInJesus ini thought it is ironic that the jehovah's witnesses force their members to go door to door throughout the neighborhoods.
and then once a year american's have a tradition where our kids go door to door throughout the neighborhoods on halloween.
but the jw's kids can't go!
read good books
They can't allow anything where children have fun, then they will not want to be JW's or Nazis, and God forbid might grow up to have some compassion for others...
Why 1914, 1925, 1975? Why so many supreme court case victories?
by truth_about_the_truth inthis excerpt from the 800 page expose "be wise as serpents" reveals this:.
jehovah's witnesses.
the masonic goal was to get prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and religious trappings out of.
read good books
I am glad I read some of his books before I read the criticisms about him on the internet, I think his books should be read and judged by the readers He is not likely to make friends in high places doing this kind of expose. I think JW's and ex- JW's should read at least one of his books and decide for themselves.
read good books
This would seem even more funny after sitting through two hours at the Kingdom Hall. But then so would any good fart joke.
Nathan KNORR announced the big A was coming in 1975 to best friends....
by restrangled ini have posted this under various topics but it just keeps getting skipped over.
i don't care how many times the wtbs denies the 1975 predictions, if a member of the gb told his good friends, and they in turn told their friends doesn't that amount to over riding anything written prior to and after 1975?.
the po in our hall was in his 50's and a very good friend of knorr's.
read good books
I think Freddie (Fritz) France was crazy alright, crazy like a fox, all the wacky predictions sure helped the society and the society big wigs build a small empire in New York. Don't feel sorry for Freddie the freeloader, feel sorry for all the ordinary decent people whose lives were wrecked by his made up baloney.If the Catholics are right and there is a Hell, Freddie is probably in it along with Knorr and all the religious phonies and hucksters who have deceived people down through the ages. Elmer Gantry could take some tips from Fred Franz.
I know what the Big Announcement was tonight at my hall.
by JimWood inso i get this phone call from an apostate friend and i am informed that the c.o.
are at the hall tonight.
so i accidentally printed out 50 copies of the letter from paul hoeffel (un/dpi) and somehow or another they ended up on all the windshields of the cars at the hall.
read good books
Thats using theocratic stratedgey for a good purpose. I made some copies of a post quite a while back comparing judge rutherford with al capone, naturally al capone came out the more favorable personality. I placed five copies on some windshields of witness cars at my old newly relocated kingdom hall, and then ran for it. Still laughing about that.
3 Million year old pre-human found
by monkeyshine ini don't know if anyone has posted this yet but...just in case.. .
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It seems like science at times is too anxious to believe some piece of evidence that they engage in a leap of faith similar to what many religions, (one we all know in particular) do to establish their views. Fifty years from now will all this stuff be on the trash heap of past science where there are probably libraries needed to hold all the discarded views.